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Simon Pierre Lacasse 

Simon-Pierre Lacasse holds a doctorate in history (University of Ottawa, 2020), a master's degree in history (University of Ottawa, 2016), as well as a bachelor's degree in history (Concordia University, 2013) . His research focuses on the Canadian Jewish community, more specifically the relationship between Jews and French Canada in the 20th century, based on approaches from intellectual, social and political history. His doctoral thesis, entitled "The Jews of the Quiet Revolution: Views of a Religious Minority on Quebec from 1945 to 1976" and supervised by Pierre Anctil, analyzes the discourses presented by various Jewish periodicals on Quebec and French Canadians during the three decades following the Second World War. During his master's, he also studied the emergence of the Hasidic community in Montreal during this same period. In addition, her work considers the importance of integrating the voices of ethnic and cultural minorities into Quebec and Canadian historical narratives. A lecturer in the History Department at Concordia University, Simon-Pierre Lacasse is also Associate Editor of Canadian Jewish Studies/Études Juives Canadiennes, a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published at York University.

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