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Marta Carraro

After a baccalaureate (Licence, fr.) in Languages, Literatures and Cultures of Eurasia and the Mediterranean (Hebrew and Arabic) at Ca' Foscari University (Venice), Marta continued her studies in France. Here, she obtained a Master 1 (fr.) in Hebrew and Jewish Languages and Civilizations (INALCO, Paris), a Masters (Master, fr.) in French, English and Italian Translation (ESIT – Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris) and a Masters (Master, fr.) in General and Comparative Literature. Then, she began a doctoral course in joint supervision between the Sorbonne Nouvelle University and the University of Montreal. Her thesis focuses on translation and on the poetry of women authors observed from the angle of contestation (title: "Feminine polyphonies: existing and resisting through poetic hybridity and its translation. Amelia Rosselli, Toni Maraini, Dahlia Ravikovitch, Yona Wallach”).

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